Activation/Exit Queues
Our ETH Network Estimates endpoint returns estimates (in hours) for
- activation queue
- deactivation queue, broken down between exit and withdrawal
"activation_estimate": {
"hours": 650
"exit_estimate": {
"hours": 0
"withdrawal_estimate": {
"hours_min": 27,
"hours_max": 171
This endpoint allows you to display to your users the estimates queue times they should expect when staking and unstaking ETH. This is what we display in the Figment App

In the screenshot above, we're using activationTimeDays
on the left and minDeactivationTimeDays
and maxDeactivationTimeDays
on the right, as calculated below:
const hoursPerDay = 24;
const activationTimeDays = Math.round(response.activation_estimate.hours * 10) / hoursPerDay / 10;
const exitTimeHours = response.exit_estimate.hours;
const minWithdrawalTimeHours = response.withdrawal_estimate.hours_min;
const maxWithdrawalTimeHours = response.withdrawal_estimate.hours_max;
const minDeactivationTimeDays = Math.round((exitTimeHours + minWithdrawalTimeHours) * 10) / hoursPerDay / 10;
const maxDeactivationTimeDays = Math.round((exitTimeHours + maxWithdrawalTimeHours) * 10) / hoursPerDay / 10;
Updated about 1 year ago