API Reference
These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v2.0.

We offer a standardized way to fetch rewards accross all networks, with the following features:


  • Consistent responses: Every network follows the same consistent response structure. You don't need to worry about networks specifics, we've done all the translation for you.
  • Rewards and balances: We report rewards but also staked balances. Slashing and penalties are treated as negative rewards.
  • Granular periods and rollups: All networks offer the most granular reporting period (the rewards distribution frequency of the network): epoch for ETH and SOL, era for DOT, etc. Except Cosmos for which we report rewards daily.
  • Flexible accounts levels: Al networks offer the most granular account-level reporting (validator pubkey for ETH, stake account for SOL, etc) but also some rollups by higher-level accounts (withdrawal address for ETH, system account for SOL, etc)
  • Since genesis: We index and serve rewards since genesis for most chains (except Cosmos, only since 2023-03-15)
  • Low latency: Data is available within 3 hours of the end of the period (epoch, era or daily rollups). Daily rollups are all computed from a midnight UTC to the next (we don't rollup by timezone)


NetworkScopeAccountsTime AggregationsHistorical Depth
EthereumAll NetworkValidator Public Key,
Withdrawal Address
Epoch, Dailyepoch: 7d
daily: 30d
SolanaFigment OnlyStake Account,
System Account
EpochNo Limit
PolkadotAll NetworkDelegator AccountEra, Dailyepoch: 30d
daily: No Limit
CardanoAll NetworkDelegator AccountEpochNo Limit
AvalancheAll NetworkDelegator AccountDailyNo Limit
CosmosAll NetworkDelegator AccountDailyNo Limit
NEARAll NetworkDelegator AccountEpoch, DailyNo Limit
PolygonAll NetworkDelegator AccountCheckpointNo Limit